Improving Learning Outcomes Using the Picture and Picture Model in Indonesian Language Learning Grade III Elementary School At MI Al Ihsan Muliasari


  • Puji Wiliawati MI Al Ihsan Muliasari


Picture and picture, Learning outcomes, Classroom Action Research


This research is a Classroom Action Research in the background of unsatisfactory student scores in Indonesian subjects that do not achieve KKM. The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of Indonesian about weather conditions through a picture and picture learning model in grade 3 of Mi Al-Ihsan Muliasari. The implementation of this learning goes through two cycles, namely cycle one and cycle two which include planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The results of this study are the results obtained after evaluating learning and the grades obtained by students can be further increased through the picture and picture learning model seen from the average class before the improvement of 61.5 (40%) and increase after the improvement in cycle one to 71. (65%) then there was another improvement in the second cycle, the average grade of the class became 8.28 (90%), thus it can be concluded that with the improvement in learning through the picture and picture learning model in the Indonesian learning subject, the weather material, the learning outcomes of 3rd grade students of Mi Al-Ihsan Muliasari increased and students were more focused and active in learning.


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