Improvement of Student Learning Outcomes of Cube Volume Material Through The Experimental Method in Class V SDN 9 Banyuasin II


  • Marisa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 9 Banyuasin II


Experimental methods, Cube, Learning outcomes


The purpose of this research activity is to obtain students' mathematics learning results in determining the volume of the cube using the experimental method at SDN 9 Banyuasin II, especially class V for the 2022/2023 school year. This experimental class action research method aims to test whether there is a significant difference in mathematics learning outcomes in the volume of the cube divided into two cycles. Knowledge of students' ability to determine the volume of the cube in each period of running took an assessment test and calculated the average of each grade V student at SDN 9 Banyuasin II. The data analysis used in this study is an analysis based on the results of the study. Based on the observations and reflections of Cycles I and 2: By using the experimental method, it can improve students' ability to determine the volume of a cube from mathematics subjects. Grade V students at SDN 9 Banyuas II achieved an average score of 66.5 for all students in the first cycle assessment exam for the 2022/2023 school year, reaching 75% of 20 students and increasing in the results of Cycle II by 77.5 to 90%. Thus, the level of completeness of learning mathematics increased from 75% in the first cycle test to 90% in the second cycle test at the end of learning.


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