Publication Ethics
As a peer-reviewed journal, one of the PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education priorities is to ensure high standards of publishing. Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement are an important concern. Therefore, editors, peer-reviewers, and authors should pay great attention to meet the ethical standards. The PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education is committed to keeping the integrity of the research papers we publish. The value of academic publishing depends on every person involved behaving ethically. Ethical duties and responsibilities are written in the light of the guides made by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Retrieved from http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf
| PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education Editor’s responsibilities for Publication Decisions|
PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor is in charge of determining manuscripts submitted to the journal that will be published without looking at authors’ backgrounds such as race, gender, country, or religion. The PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor will make a decision based on the manuscript’s significance, uniqueness, and relevance to the scope of the Bioilmi : Jurnal Pendidikan. The PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education with the help of its editors takes plagiarism extremely seriously. Our authors are cautioned against this. The PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education with the help of its editors will not accept research articles or manuscripts submitted for publication elsewhere.
PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor and any editorial members have to keep any information related to authors and submitted manuscripts confidential and must not share such information with anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and publisher.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Rejected manuscripts, papers, or articles and their materials submitted to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education are extremely seriously not allowed to be used by PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor and any editorial members for their own interests and purposes. All will be archived in the system confidentially.
|Reviewers' responsibilities for helping PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editorial decisions|
Research articles or Manuscripts submitted to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education are initially reviewed by the editors for general fit with PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education focus and scope and for the writing quality. Only those research articles meeting the PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education focus and scope will be sent to reviewers for a double blind review. Review time is typically 4-6 months.
The function of the peer-reviewing process is to help PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor and its members to make decisions through reviewer’s professional, scientific, and objective arguments on the reviewed manuscript. All reviewers must treat all manuscripts confidentially and must not discuss about with others without an authorization from the PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor. Reviewers must do their review processes objectively. Personal reviews and blame to the author of manuscript are extremely seriously not allowed. All reviews must be supported by professional, scientific, and objective arguments.
Detecting plagiarism
Another function of the peer-reviewing process is to help PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor and its members to identify others’ work that has not been cited in-text reference and in the reference section. PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education reviewers have to make sure that the authors of manuscript being reviewed provide appropriate sources. When PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education reviewers find the manuscript being reviewed similar to other published manuscript, they must inform PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education editor as soon as possible as PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education takes plagiarism extremely seriously. Our authors are cautioned against this. Screening plagiarism by using Turnitin with maximum similarity score 25%.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education reviewers must not use confidential information obtained from reviewing any manuscripts for personal purposes. They must keep all information confidential. PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education reviewers must NOT review any manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest due to their relationships with the authors of the reviewed manuscripts. They must inform the editor as soon as possible if they find the case.
|Authors’ Responsibilities|
Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education must ensure that they pay attention to a variety of responsibilities including: reporting standards, data access and retention, originality and plagiarism, multiple, redundant or concurrent publication, acknowledgement of sources, authorship of the paper, hazards and human or animal subjects, disclosure and conflicts of interest, fundamental errors in published works.
Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education must confirm that their manuscripts have not been formerly submitted or published in other journals. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously is an unethical behavior and it is unacceptable.
Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education must ensure the originality of the manuscripts and all others’ works have to be properly cited according to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education references format. All authors must ensure that they have cited published works that have been used in determining the nature of the submitted work.
Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education must ensure that all people who have made a significant contribution to the submitted manuscript are inclusive and acknowledged. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education must ensure that if the work involves chemicals, human subject approvals, or animals, it must be clearly identified and clarified in the submitted manuscript.
Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education must ensure that they have disclosed any financial or other substantive conflict of interest in their submitted manuscript that might be construed to affect the results of their manuscript.
|Reviewer Process|
All papers will be critically examined by at least two anonymous reviewers, selected for their competencies in the subject area of the paper. Acceptance of the paper will depend upon its scientific merit and suitability for the PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education. A paper may be accepted in its original form, subject to revision, or rejection.
The reviewers' (and editors’) suggestions will be conveyed to the author, who will then have an opportunity to revise the paper. A manuscript returned to an author for revision can be held for a maximum of eight weeks.
The accepted paper will be edited by native English speakers. The cost of language editing service is included in Article Processing Charge (APC).
All submitted papers will be checked for their originalities by means of Turnitin.
Reviewers are to comply with the following ethical guidelines:
- The main obligation of a reviewer (referee) is to objectively judge the complete manuscript both scientifically and literally in high standards
- Referees should treat the submitted manuscript as confidential documents
- The referee’s identity should be remained anonymous – unless if the editors decided otherwise
- Referees should complete the evaluation of a manuscript in a reasonable time frame and directly inform the editors when the work could not be completed within the schedule
- Reviewers should explain and provide adequate professional judgment for their evaluation of a manuscript.
- Reviewers are to promptly notify the editors should they find the manuscript is expected to be misapplied by others to pose a threat to public health and safety.
|Conflict of Interest Policy|
Authors, Editors and Reviewers are expected to adhere to the following guidelines in compliance with COPE practices.
- Authors should clearly inform their source of financial support -institution, private, and/or corporate- for their research
- In case the author and editor of Bioilmi: jurnal Pendidikan have a relationship which may lead to an unfair evaluation, another editor will be appointed instead.
- Reviewers should be aware of any appearance of conflict of interest when receiving a manuscript for evaluation and are required to promptly return the manuscript to the editor, informing the conflict of interest issue.
|Dataand Responsibility|
Data availability and reporting guidelines are available in the 'Author Guidelines' section.
|Research Misconduct Policy|
The purpose of this policy is to prevent any misconduct related to research conducted for the journals and to suggest the fundamental principles and structural procedures in relation to research integrity deliberation required to ensure research ethics.
The range of misconduct policy
Research misconduct suggested in this policy pertains to fraud and refers to data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and improper authorship.
- "Fabrication" refers to any activity involving the creation of false information about non-existing data or findings.
- "Falsification" refers to the artificial manipulation of the research materials/equipment/process or random modification/deletion of data resulting in distorted research contents or research results.
- "Plagiarism" refers to acts of pirating others’ ideas, research contents, and research results without justifiable approvals or quotations.
- "Improper authorship" refers to cases where the person who has contributed to research contents or research results is scientifically and technically unqualified as an author or where someone who has not contributed to the research contents or research results scientifically and technically but has been listed as an author merely to express gratitude or courtesy
- Intentional acts to disturb a fraud investigation about themselves or others or acts which can be harmful to informants
- Unfair evaluation regarding research of others or disclosure or pirating of research ideas or research results acquired during the evaluation process.
- Severely aberrant acts that cannot be accepted in the community of the field of science and technology.
How does the journal address misconduct
Editors and publishers have an ethical obligation to:
- Support the quality and ethics of the review process (pre-publication: weed out; prevent)
- Ensure the correctness of the published literature (post-publication: correct; communicate)
- Educate (prevent)
Editors/journals have an ethical obligation to respond and to address ethical allegations that may arise about published papers or papers in review. Systems and procedures are in place for investigating and addressing situations of misconduct, including cooperation with investigations from institutions or funding bodies.
Possible sanction
When the evidence of misconduct is confirmed the following procedures are to be applied:
- Prior to publication (during review): The manuscript can be withdrawn from review
- Post-publication (literature correction) The journal may publish a Retraction, Note of Editorial Concern, Errata/Correction with the author or all authors’ signature or editorial of an appropriate statement about the situation. The paper can be “marked” in the literature
- Editors determine whether retract or correct after considering whether the case is fraud or an honest mistake. They consider the intent and then the extent to which the data is incorrect/misleading
- The author may be banned from submitting to the journal.
- Editors may, in some cases, provide information for other editors/publishers.
- Editors may publish an editorial in the journal to discuss the issue generally and raise awareness of the issue.
|Ethical Oversight|
All submitted articles and exchanging information involving authors and editors in PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education will be considered confidential. Communications related to the publication process should not be disclosed on any website without prior consent from the editors.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Regarding research involving experiments on animals, the authors should ensure that the object is fully assessed in terms of any harm to the animals. This involves a detailed examination of the particular procedures and experiments, and the numbers and types of animals used. The animals subjected to the experiment are to adhere to institutional and national guidelines. The manuscripts are required to declare that all efforts were performed to reduce animal suffering.
|Ethical Oversight|
The viewpoint of articles published in PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education are solely the authors’ and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board of the publisher
The author is responsible for acquiring permission(s) to reproduce any copyrighted figures, tables, data, or text that are being used in the submitted paper. Authors should note that text quotations of more than 250 words from a published or copyrighted work will require a grant of permission from the original publisher to reprint. The written permission letter(s) must be submitted together with the manuscript.
This journal uses Open Journal System which is a journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and distributed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP).
|Journal Management|
Online: This Journal is available online and can be accessed for free
Charges: Publication in this journal is through Article Processing Charge scheme and all published papers are available online through open access.
|Post Publication - Discussion and Correction|
Bioilmi: Junal Pendidikan follows the guidance from COPE in regard to ethical concerns for published articles. Complaints and Appeal Editor in Chief email at pritec.misykatulanwar.com is available for contact should the authors have an objection or disagreement pertaining to the publication process in PriTEc: Journal of Primary Teacher Education. Every complaint will be acknowledged and handled to resolve the issue accordingly. In addition, articles may be retracted due to both scientific and/or ethical reasons, which can be requested by the author(s) or by the Editor. Articles that are found to be seriously flawed or violated ethical guidance from COPE will be retracted in order to correct the scientific record. The retracted article will be noticed on the journal's website alongside information regarding the reason for the retraction